Ilo 486g
Ilta 452g
Ihku 481g
Into 438g
Ihme 497g
Iisi 480g
All is good in puppy box! The puppies are taking eating very seriously and the milk keeps on coming. After eating they concentrate on the other important task: sleeping. The puppies are moving a lot while sleeping. The ears, the eyes and the little feet are twitching in their sleep. Wonderful little ones! The friend of my daughter Sara´s came and visited. They were not allowed in the puppy den, but they were calmly watching the little ones. Nessa took it very well, she was just sleeping and taking care of her pups. Cool mom!
Weighing in the evening:
Ilo 486g
Ilta 452g
Ihku 481g
Into 438g
Ihme 497g
Iisi 480g
Ihme ja Iisi
Ilta ja Ilo
Ilo syö unissaan Ilo eating while sleeping
Ilo uneksii: "Jonakin päivänä kasvan yhtä isoksi kuin sinä, äiskä"
Ilo dreaming: "Some day I´m going to be as big as you, mom."
Ilta keskittyy syömiseen
Ilta eating.
Mamsku <3. Mommy <3.
Onnea pennuista! Hienoa, että pentulaatikossa kaikki on hyvin!
VastaaPoistat: Katri ja Pyynö
Annappas Into-pojulle lisää ruokaa, että saa siskonsa kiinni! :D Eihän poikkelin kelpaa olla pienin ipanoista :D Söpöin saa kyllä olla! ♥♥♥